You knew guys raced 'em, even some took 'em out on to the flats here and there, but how about ones that actually broke some records?
Well, thanks once again to Jalopnik ClickHere and MoparMax Magazine PerformClickoscopy , here is a cool little article (albeit TROY'S pictures and text), that show you their successes!!!
Meet the geniuses at Rad Rides By Troy (Modification Brilliance In Motion)!
They have a few NEW ideas on how to CLASSICALLY attain maximum velocity, as you will see... Every member is just absolutely incredible! And what PROJECTS they crank out!

The Salt Flats Racer Project from the amazing shop of TROY!

The Metalwork. A LOT of work!

The BODY Work. Although a nice '69 'Cuda Fastback is cut up, at least the pros at TROY are doing the surgery!

1,200 HP+ from only HALF an engine! Granted, it has a mega turbo, precision internals, and YES, ONE lone v8 HEMI Head upon it.
The crew at Troy's really put a LOT of effort into this flyin' fish, dubbed: "The BlowFish". Although, I personally got a bit queasy seeing the pics of the 'Cuda being cut up, they have an excellent Flash animation of the operation in a slideshow format.
Very nicely done, guys!!!
A few of THEIR pictures, worth MORE than a thousand words:

MAY I Plagiarize, errrr, I MEAN, QUOTE the fine folks at Rad Rides By Troy???
Breaking News from the Bonneville Salt Flats
Monday, August 14
"The Cuda ran it's first run today at approximately 3:30 p.m., on the Bonneville Salt Flats. On it's first pass the Cuda ran 236 MPH on the short track and broke the record on the shakedown. Troy said, it was the fastest pass ever for a door-slammer on the short track. The Cuda ran 4th gear low at 6000 RPM's. The current record was 234 MPH.
George said, the car ran smooth and handled good.
The Rad Rides by Troy team was watching from the finish line and is extremely excited! We're looking forward to a second run on the long track, possibly on Tuesday. Watch the site for pictures from the Flats.
Way to go George and to the Rad Rides by Troy Team!!!"
Breaking News from the Bonneville Salt Flats
Thursday, August 17

"Today the Blowfish made its second run at Bonneville on the long course at 11:02 AM. Once again, it exceeded expectations by breaking the world record (currently 230 mph) before it even got half way down the course.
Blowfish reached 255.658 mph in the fourth mile of the five mile "long" course. George slowed it down in the last mile as part of a test of the overdrive gearing.
The crew is looking over the car in the record impound area while tecnicians review the massive amount of performance data that is collected during each run.
George said the car ran fantastic but the course was a little rutted. "We have ourself a real race car!" he shouted as the Rad Rides by Troy crew met him at the finish line.
Troy and the team will assess the car's condition and the race plan for the rest of today and the week.
The car will most likely run the long course for the second time tommorrow. Stay tuned for more exciting reports from Bonneville!"
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