Disney / PIXAR'S "CARS" Movie!
This movie is looking better and better all the time! Now that they are listing more info about it, I am totally intrigued! After last year's incredible "The INCREDIBLES", I thought "CARS" was going to be pretty lame stacked up against THAT! HAH! Dumb thought! PIXAR'S people know what they're doing! I knew I had to start making plans to see it when I heard that Paul Newman was going to be in it, but now that I see that RICHARD PETTY is in it... as "The King" *, no less... WOW!
* People of Christian faith and rabid fans of Elvis Presley should note that Richard Petty is a very down-to-earth person who's never really been too comfortable with that moniker, so make note that there is no offense nor human-worship expressed OR implied! Stock Car "FANS" tagged him with that title, and we MUST remember that "FANS" is an abbreviated version of the word: "FANATICS". Not that I am expecting a retaliatory jihad for that or anything!
Getting back to the movie, you absolutely MUST check out Disney / PIXAR'S site!
Please have a look at their Interactive Poster, too. Here's a screen shot of it:

Did you know that Tom and Ray Magliozzi are in this, too? Those who are familiar with these Bostonian Brothers are all too familiar with their hilarious program and news articles broadcast under the name of "Car Talk by 'Click & Clack' - The Tappet Brothers". If you explore their site, you'll remember that Tom had a much beloved '63 Dodge Dart convertible that was tragically lost in an accident a number of years ago. Ray, his brother, always chided him about that car. Just have a look at my screen shot, and look who is represented by what kind of vehicle there!
As a reference, and to give you some background into the significance of Tom's old '63 Dart, just feast your eyes on THIS technical article:
Tommy Magliozzi's '63 Dart Convertible
PIXAR ROCKS! You get cool details like this when actual car guys are behind projects! Although I hope Disney isn't gonna sue me or anything, I felt I just HAD to point out such cool Mopar features of this upcoming movie! I plan on seeing it at least 3 or 4 times in the theatres. If I don't get sued or anything!
Go check out their site, it is quite well done:
Disney / PIXAR'S "CARS"
I like the matching up of certain celebs with certain vehicles, too! George Carlin doing the voice of a VW Hippie-Microbus named "Fillmore"... Cheech Marin as a '59 Impala Lowrider named "Ramone"... Paul Dooley as a Jeep M38 named "Sarge"... not to mention Bonnie Hunt as an attractive 2002 Porsche named "Sally Carrera", Owen Wilson as the main character, a late-model stock car named "Lightning McQueen", "Larry The Cable Guy" playing a '55 Chevrolet tow truck named "Mater" (short for "Tow Mater"), John Ratzenberger as "Mack" the transport truck, and the legendary Paul Newman as a '51 Hudson Hornet named "Doc Hudson", who also happens to be the Judge and main town official of scenic "Radiator Springs", located in beautiful "Carburetor County", right off of "Route 66", of course! Not to short-change other talented actors like Tony Shaloub, Michael Keaton, and many others. Bob Costas even has a part as a character named: "Bob Cutlass". Too bad I could not find a shot of THAT car! Too funny!
Go see it! I am certain it will be surprisingly better than people may initially think! In the meantime, have a safe and happy Memorial Day, and beyond all the BBQs and parties, let's NEVER forget those brave individuals who served this country, some making the ultimate sacrifice. If you know a Veteran, make sure you pay special attention to the ones who DON'T "talk about it"!!! THOSE are the ones you need to thank the MOST!!!

May peace, happiness and good health be yours!
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